Parents have Questions and Parents have Answers

You have had a hard week, Janey won't behave at school, Johnny wants a later curfew. You don't know what to do. Is anybody else out there dealing with what you are? Parents are the best people to get advice from for parents. A group of peers is a wonderful thing. We can learn from each other and help each other.

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Top : Parents Asking Parents

Moving Concerns

We will be moving in the next month and I was wondering if anybody had ideas on how to help my kids with the stress of being in a new house and new surroundings. They will be in the same school system, just 7 miles away from where we are now. They have seen the house and have helped with cleaning and painting. Right now they seem to be anticipating, but we know this will be a big change. Kids are 11,8,3,1.

~ Kristi D.

Hi Kristi,
we are moving also and have a 6 yr old boy. We have to change schools. He has mild High functioning Autism and routine is very important to him. After crying most of the morning when I found out he couldn't stay in the same school, I thought of something positive to tell him: If he stayed in the same school, we wouldn't get home in time for his program. Think of the postitives; something they would like about where you're moving. Focus on those things in your conversations w/them. I hope this helped. God bless.
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