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Top : Parents Asking Parents

Is there help for my daughter?

My 19 yr old daughter is angry and defiant and has denounced the Christian faith. But we feel it is because of the friends and environment of her school and work that has made her this way. Is there a place we can send her to that will help her moving her away from this environment?
~ Debra

If you feel it is her friends and environment that is the problem then it needs to change. Problem is, unless she is living under your roof, you may have a hard time 'forcing' her to do as you want. Personally I don't know of a place you can send her. I do know that you have to pray for your daughter and do it consistantly and all the time. Show your daughter love regardless of what she does. Tell her you love her all the time, even if you don't feel like you do.

Your daughter needs to see Jesus through you.
Yes, send her up to God in your prayers. There may not be much you can do, but with Christ all things are possible. Only trust him, only trust him , only trust him now. This is an age where most of us try to be independant because the world syas you're an adult, though you don't really have all of the responsibilities of one. I put my parents through this and it tooks 3-4 years for me to get my act together. The Bible promises Raise up your children in the way they should go and when they're old they won't depart from it. Just hold onto that promise and place her inGod's hands.:) My husband and I now raise our children in a Godly home. We're praying for you:)
Yes ther is help for all things are possible with God. She wants to be an adult, treat her as one. Invite her to sit down and have coffee with you or go out to eat,etc.. This will be interesting to her. There you can ask her from one adult to another why the defiance of religion. She may to get upset, but keep an open mind. There may be something disturbing about your particular church and she would like a change or feel forced to go with her parents. Speak about a freedom to stretch your wings and try other acceptable churches in the area. You could fix a big dinner at the house for her and a some of the friends she use to hang with and those she hangs with now. Encourage her old friends at church to contact her. Encourage a job change based on pay scale never on atmosphere. You could also help her find a job that may have better hours. Putting her somewhere will not change her. Encourage her in the things and hobbies she use to do. Do not turn red in the face when she refuses -- try
Above all love her.
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