Parents have Questions and Parents have Answers

You have had a hard week, Janey won't behave at school, Johnny wants a later curfew. You don't know what to do. Is anybody else out there dealing with what you are? Parents are the best people to get advice from for parents. A group of peers is a wonderful thing. We can learn from each other and help each other.

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Top : Parents Asking Parents

I am not a parent, but i am some ones child...

and i am trying to find a way to bring my dad back to his faith.. and i am not really sure how.. can you help me?
~ Danielle

Try talking to him about what you belive an read your bible an bible stories! I really injoy reading them. I don't have much time big family. young people have time. So read I am reading Daniel an the revelation it is a really good book. I suggest that one. Read an good luck!
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