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Top : Kitchen : Something from the Kitchen

Something from the Kitchen

~ Diane

I spend alot of time in my kitchen so I thought the title most appropriate as I thought of starting something new and exciting in my life. I don't know if I am as good as a writer as I think I am but then I have not always shared the inside of my head. So here goes........

I looked out the kitchen window while stacking dishes in the dishwasher and saw that there was some icy spots on the window . I was drawn back to my childhood and thought how excited I would feel when Jack Frost made silly designs on mommas windows and how my siblings and I would try to write in the frost or try to figure out what Jack was telling us that day. Brr it was cold out then. Yikes I thought it is cold out now........

As I thought of school closings and my girls getting up and wondering if someone slept in or if they had a day off from school. They came down the steps as I announced" NO SCHOOL TODAY! " They looked at each other and said, in a low voice, ' again we just were off yesterday!!!' The excitement gone and soon after breakfast boredom set in.

As they cleared the table of the breakfast items I could hear them ask each other do you want to play a video game? ( no we did that yesterday) Wanna watch a dvd? ( no we watch movies yesterday) 'all the cartoons are reruns', the older one said and the younger one agreed.....'we saw them a hundred times before'. "WE ARE BORED!!!! " Parents spend hundreds of dollars on all these up to date entertainment items and they are still bored. Where did we fail?

I said out loud but mostly to myself, 'think I will bake some cookies today. I don't know what kind thou? mmmm no maybe not as my back is bothering me!' No sooner said than 2 little girls wanted to know if they could help bake and promised not to make a mess. So it was agreed upon.

The littlest one wanted to know if she could wash up the things we had gotten dirty to make the cookies and I replied, 'we have a dishwasher for that'..........'but we wanna help, please!!!!' So that was agreed upon too. I listened to them laugh about thinking salt was sugar.......'our cookies would really put us on a sugar high!!!' When that was done it was time to have a cookie or two and a glass of cold milk to settle down and enjoy the moment.

Later they were contented with doing something does not matter they had a chance for a change of menu so to speak. They were happy. The cost of the entertainment was probably two or three dollars............yet priceless.

Then I thought of momma and me as a child. She and Daddy raised 7 children and half of our friends. What did we do for entertainment I wonder? No tv as daddy said that was a waste of time. I can still smell the homemade bread baking as she made 12 loaves every few days. I can still see her in the kitchen ironing clothes that she had dampened earlier and put in the bottom of the refrigerator. I asked her I could help iron and at first she said I may get burnt. I pleaded. She set the iron on low and handed me an important job she said. Please iron these socks for me. I was thrilled. To this day I have wondered why she gave me socks to iron. She ironed daddy's hankies........but she said she did not want a scorch mark on them since daddy always prayed in church and often had tears to wipe so he needed a clean bright white hankie to use. She ironed pillow cases too but did not want too much starch on them as it would make the face irritated when we laid down on our beds. So she said socks were important too but I never figured out wh|| well maybe because they kept you warm in winter and no one could see the marks I may have left or the stiffness from too much starch I loved to put on things. No that is not it either|| socks were important because it gave me something to do with my momma. We bonded.........

From my kitchen I have thought of many things about what to fix for a meal, planned my weekly menus or sat and enjoy a cup of coffee with wonderful friends. The kitchen used to be a time to gather to make memories Today is a good day to make a few more.........

Submitted on : 15-Mar-2007

Top : Kitchen : Something from the Kitchen